- What genre was in Fear and give three reasons why.
- Title - already communicates through title have simple sharp white letters in black background.
- Location - dark woods, where characters get lost, while searching for their hotel.
- Stalker - in the beginning of the movie i could see how's someone staring at Lucy in the toilet through peeping hole.
- What production context does In Fear fit into and give three reasons why.
- British Pub - when movie starts i could see shot of the pub with the English name on it.
- Accent - when Tom or Lucy talks you could heard mixture of English accents, while Lucy talks you could hear some English accent and maybe even some Welsh accent as well.
- Words - when talking about beer use word 'pint'.
- Were there any stars involved with In Fear?
Allen Leech, Iain De Caestecker, Alice Englert.
- How did narrative, dialogue, characters and locations relate to the production context?
Narrative story line goes around the couple, which travels to the hotel
room, but get lost in the wood's maze. While characters are talking one with
each other, i could hear British accent and typical words for England.
- How did the technology used to relate to the production context? Give examples and compare this to a Bollywood and/or Hollywood film.
- Hollywood - more interested story line, which have much special effect in it. Uses CGI instead of make up. Has good movie budget, so could use best equipment in the movies ( from cameras till lighting).
- British - British production have less money, than Hollywood. However, in this British production movie i could not see any CGI or other special effect as in World War Z. Mostly all props are Fake blood, scars or broken cars. Story line development comparing with World War Z is a bit slow and predictable.