Thursday, 8 May 2014

Rise of the zombie

  • What genre was Rise of the Zombie and give reasons why?
  1.  Forest - mostly all action goes around in the forest. The place were not a lot of people could interfere.
  2. Mysterious bug bite and disease - by watching movie i could see how main protagonist get bitten by mysterious bug. Later in the movie i could see consequences of the bite. Main protagonist Neal slowly turns into the zombie.
  3. Mutilated body parts - audience see shots of the body parts laying around, example could first girl, which been killed hand was laying in the tent near Neal.
  • What production context does Rise of the Zombie fit into and give three reasons why.
Rise of the zombies fits into Bollywood production.
  1. Actors and their language - While watching the movie i could hear some of the character talking in Hindi.
  2. Food - Their specific food for examples 'tapas'.
  3. Location - Main story goes in the forest near Mumbai. Mumbai is the capital city of the Indian state of Maharashtra.
  • Were there any starts involved with Rise of the zombie?
There is one of them - Luke Kenny.
  • How did the narrative, dialogue, characters and locations relate to the production context? give actual examples.
  1. Dialogues - through storyline i could see, how people respect their relatives and talk with them nicely. In Bolywood movie there is no bad language like in Hollywood or British production.
  2. Location - as i mentioned above main location is Mumbai city and its surroundings, which tells to the viewer, that it is India.
  3. Narrative - as mostly of Bollywood movies even horror movie goes around love story. In this one how love will save Neil from being zombie.
  • How did technology used relate to the production context? Give examples and compare this to a Hollywood and/ or British film.
  • Hollywood - more interested storyline, which have much special effects in it. Uses CGI instead of make up. Has good movie budget, so could use best equipment in the movies (from cameras until lighting).
  • Bollywood - Dull storyline, which flows around song lyrics. All movies depends on love story no matter what genre it is. Use simple technologies comparing with Hollywood production. Using minimal amount of blood in the movie. Plus misdirect viewer in this movie, when zombie Neal attacks, he rips out heart through body space, where have to be lungs. 

1 comment:

  1. This is very limited with regards to actually discussing your points you have just given bullet points and it needs to be an analytical discussion.
