Thursday, 3 July 2014

Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunters -

Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters is an another Brothers Grimm's well know fairytale, which been created as a movie, but from other angle. This movie's storyline has a different twist from original storyline.  In original story, kids just kill The Witch, which want to eat them and live happily ever after, but in the movie after this kill, they become witch hunters.
As other example of Brother Grimm's fairytales, I could mention 'Red riding hood (2011), in original story there is wolf, which only goes after Red ridding hood, but in the movie there is no wolf, instead of wolf audience see glimpses of werewolf, which goes after whole village, not Red riding hood anyone.
Second example could be ' Mirror Mirror (2011)' other well know fairytale about girl name Snow white, which has skin white as snow and hair dark as night. In original storyline, Queen wants to kill Snow white, because she wants to be most beautiful woman in the kingdom. However, in the movie, Queen is broke and she wants to kill Snow white, because she wants to get married to rich prince, which fall in love with Snow white. She thinks that by killing Snow white, she will be rich again.
So I as I see from these three examples of the fairytales all of their storylines been changed to attract more audience.
Hansel and Gretel fairytale is suitable for every age group, because there is anything bad about. However, in the end of the story, brother and sister burn the witch in the oven, but that story teaches kids self-confident and that they could protect themselves no matter what problem in their live they have. However, movie's storyline is very different from fairytales. In the movie, story gets more action, more adventurous; you could see a lot of violence and blood in it, even some voyeurism or sexual abuses against woman in one episode. Furthermore, Gretel's character connected to feminism theory. In whole movie, audience could see her strong and independent, she always act quickly, she is even stronger than men, which help her in fight.
I could say that this movie could watch family with their kids, because of the original book storyline, however, Hansel and Gretel: Witch hunters has age control. Kids who are under thirteen years old could not see this movie in the cinemas. This shows, that producer created movie for older generation age groups. We live in the age, when it is difficult to create interest for the audience, that why producer take well know fairytale and create it for this century audience. Hansel and Gretel: Witch hunters and my other movie examples, just shows how's people values changed through decades and explains how producers had to change  original fairytale to give other values to the story.
In the poster i could see both main characters of the movie Hanzel (Jeremy Renner) and Gretel(Gemma Arterton).However, Gemma is only co-star in his movie, but in both poster I could see her infront of Jeremy. I start thinking that producer aim more to men audience than to the women audience. Basically, because I could see Gemma standing with the crossbow in her while she is wearing sexy leather jacket, which shows her breast.

1 comment:

  1. You have not really discussed how the the producers market the film to reach the targeted audience. You need to go back and re-cap on the presentation because this post is not passable.
